
It was always so cold. The wind was something one could only wish upon their worst enemy. Yet, without the wind, the bodies would eventually fill the streets with their rotting smell. You would be so lucky to wake up, along with the others who had lain beside you the night before. They were never willing to risk the punishment though. As for us, death was forbidden.

The morning had started as I lay across Emma, watching as she collected what had been left behind by those who enjoyed our company. They were always so nice, making promises to take us away with them, start a family. It was all lies, but it kept us around. We’d see each of them during the day on our way to school, yet you would have never guessed that we knew each other. They would be hung if anyone ever found out. Lying with our kind was the only thing worse than killing their own.

Winter had made its way once again. Along with the snow, this was the time we looked forward to the most. My house had three sisters, Emma being the eldest. I was the youngest, and Mace the middle child. She was the reason for all of this; it was her who turned us into what we were. I never understood why, but Emma hated her. We all knew this; yet, I was the only one who remembered it all.

It was a quiet night, something had awoken me. They had sat there, both of my parents. I could recall the way they slouched ever so slightly in their seats. I could only see their backs towards me. Emma was still asleep in her bed. 

Nightmares were something that only I shared in the family. Mother believed that it was because I was evil, having spirits inside me. If only she were still around to see how wrong she was. Sometimes I wish it had been me, at least then they wouldn’t have died.

A pool of blood had gathered beneath their chairs, trailing forward, as if beckoning for more. I reached for Emma but she wouldn’t budge, her skin was frozen.

“Mace, where are you!” Her bed was empty. I held myself tight, trying to wake up. I wasn’t dreaming though, this time it was real.

“Why do you just lie there shaking? Will you not go to them like you always do? You were always their favorite, and now you just watch as they die?” It was Mace, her voice was unmistakable. She was standing in the corner of the room. It was dark, but I could see the blood drenched across her night gown.

Slowly, she reached out and extended what I believed to be her hand only to reveal the beating heart which belonged to Father. I knew this only because as I jumped out of my bed in an effort to run towards the hallway, I slipped upon the blood which once flowed through my parents, causing me to topple over his body. I was terrified at the sight of his eyes gorged out, his chest no longer existent but just a massive hole, precisely where his heart would be if one were to rip it out. I didn't intend to see what had been done to Mother although I am certain that it was best I hadn't.

“Why have you done this Mace? They were our parents, they loved you the most!”, I yelled. “Please Emma, you must wake up! She's going to kill us, wake up!”

By this time Mace had reached Emma's bedside and laid a hand across her cheek. I couldn't move, all I did was watch as Mace chanted something into her ear. All of a sudden the room began to shake and a loud scream came from the hallway. I was too afraid to look outside the room, I could feel there was someone else among us now.

“You have done well my child!” The voice was deep and ominous. It too was familiar. Before I was able to turn towards it's direction I felt a heavy fist slammed against my temple. I was out, and just like that it was all over.

/r/shortscarystories Thread