Hope you guys can still accept me

While I'm not medically prohibited, I had meningitis for a second time last year that causes me to have phantom smells. Not sure why, and the doctors don't know, but soda, certain deodorants and perfumes, charcoal face wash/shampoo, tea tree oil, and a few other things creates a really foul smell/taste. I can't describe what it smells like because I've never smelled anything remotely comparable to it, but it's really bad and I can smell someone's deodorant or charcoal face wash from 20-30ft away.

Because 90% of taste is smell, certain sodas are (like coke and sprite) have that "contaminated" aftertaste when I exhale after taking a drink. It's so bad that I haven't drink soda for a year, even though I really crave it sometimes

/r/HydroHomies Thread Link - i.redd.it