Reddit Admins be like

I don’t sound dumb, in fact you sound dumb because it’s very clear you don’t know how utilities are regulated. For instance, I have the right to access electricity if I can pay for it, but if I used it to burn down your house that’d be illegal.

I think, with the ever increasing importance of the internet in culture and commerce that it should be regulated in a similar manner. I couldn’t call you a child molester if your not one (libel) or hurt people by creating panic without a clear and present danger. Pretty much all the laws governing current printed word would still be in effect, with some modification.

On the one hand we have companies saying “access to the web should be a basic human right, unless you disagree with us politically, then never mind we’ll ban you from the most useful parts of it.”

It’d stop liberally bent tech companies from controlling discourse and censoring free speech, and keep anyone including conservatives from doing it in the future.

I would never say that to a real life black person because I’m in college which guarantees the contact with dumb nebros is minimized. I welcome contact with any intelligent ones.

I mean crime stats exist and so do poverty statics. Prove me wrong bitch.

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