How are you? #2

Hey man, I’m doing alright, the wife has been telling me all about how our 7month old son is learning and just being very curious of the world. It’s one of the best feeling seeing him discover new things, yesterday he figured out he can clap his hands. He is days away from learning to crawl now, he just needs to figure out what his legs can do. Overall things are really good at home. I say my wife tells me all these things because I have a job where I travel a lot, and right now I’ve been gone for three weeks for a job that’s five hours away. I didn’t have a lot growing up I mean my family made sure we were fed and taken care of but there was never money for vacations or sports teams anything like that, this is one of the hardest parts for me is knowing that I’m going to miss out on some of those milestones, but to provide for my family I’ll do what I can to give my family a good life.

/r/Fatherhood Thread