How to make in the Bot Autoreconnect? (C# using DSharpplus)

I found "ReconnectIndefinitely", another config to put when setting up the client but the API itself says that its -dangerous- to set it true because there could be connection errors and I just read a post about a bug on reconnection (fixed now) because the Intents were not set, but I have all Intents enable so like, I am tempted to set this to true but Im not sure what they mean with "it will swallow all connection errors" like it will clog the code, making it freeze or loop or something?
Im not a programmer expert, even less a connection master knowing perfectly how packets are sent/received so I don't know if it's risky to enable this.

I was very tempted at the beginning but then I read the tooltip, which is updated after the Intents fix, and still they say to set it false so I dont know. That sounds very good as a final solution!

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