[WP] Because of a glitch in time, every time you die you keep coming back to the moment where you say your last words. Since this loop seems to repeat infinitely, you experiment with seeing what happens every time you choose different words.

At first I said sorry, because remorse is what everyone thinks of when they're about to die. But I only really meant it the first time because when I was brought back, it was the same place and I knew what was coming.

"Sorry-" Dead.

After a while I said other stuff. The gunman said: "get on the fucking ground!" and I said, "no you!"


I said: "I bet you that's not even loaded." Dead.

"Guns don't kill people, people kill people!" Dead.

"Does anyone have change for a-" Dead.

After a while this became tiresome. I tried saying nothing at all. In the silence the gunman held off from firing initially. If I stayed standing up, dead. If I slowly started bending over, he'd wait a few seconds, then I'd be dead. If I sprawled flat on the ground, he wouldn't shoot at all. The first time this happened I figured the cycle was broken, so I jumped to my feet and rejoiced in breaking the cycle.


The second time I stayed down until the gunman left the trolley. I waited until the police came, I filed a police report, I took a bus home, I ate dinner and fed my rats and watched TV. I woke up the next day happy to have broken the cycle, but then a texting driver smashed into the bus stop I was waiting at.

Dead, and back to the trolley.

"Dickbutt." The gunman froze and a woman laughed. We both died, which made me return to "sorry," directed more to whoever laughed than the gunman.

After an unknown amount of time I simply gave up. At one point I lasted 70 years. I was convinced I broke the cycle. I stayed inside all day and did freelance graphic design for local businesses.

During that time I met Hannah, another unfortunate victim of the cycle. She was a freelance copywriter, a career that enabled her to work from the safety of home. We talked online at first, until the need for face-to-face interaction was too strong. I carefully walked the three miles from my house to hers. Over a bottle of Old Guardian we revealed where our cycles started. We were on the same trolley. She laughed when I said "dickbutt" to the gunman.

Some time later we got married. Had kids. Got old.

On the eve of my 94th birthday I had a massive stroke. My eyes went black. "This is it," I thought.

"Get on the fucking ground!"

Dead. Back to square one.

"At least we have each other," Hannah said from across the trolley.


/r/WritingPrompts Thread