How Cheep (stupid) Was My Dad?

I just want to say, please understand that there’s some kids who have NEVER gone on a vacation ever in their life, or a ski resort. It sounds like maybe your parents were struggling financially but still really wanted to make it work, lots of less fortunate families will buy their kids things they can fit into in a year so it cal last when they’re a teen and an adult. My dad doesn’t have a ton on money and he takes me to kfc every single week, he wants to take me out but can’t afford anywhere else so do I even taste the food anymore? No. But do I appreciate it, yes because I take two seconds to think about things from his point of view. When you’re older and realize how expensive things really are you’ll regret making this post about your dad. Vacations are like 1k at least and that’s for just two people. For a whole family think of just the food bills. Even McDonald’s every meal could add up to $60 a day for a family. Hotel was probably $150-$200 for a family in the off season. Gas isn’t cheap y’all had an suv cause it’s a faintly? Not good on gas at all. They took you on a damn vacation jeez be grateful. Not everyone has tons of money.

/r/badparenting Thread