How Dawn of War 3 uses MOBAs to modernise multiplayer RTS •

I believe mobas are extremely mechanically simple compared to a standard rts and that the difficulty comes from low TTKs, memorization, depending on other players, character counters, etc. Not saying they are bad or that people shouldn't play them... I play them myself occasionally. Just... I believe it's "fake depth"

Then you definitely should play them more. Just because they look easier at first glance doesn't mean they are.

That's similar to saying Tennis has much less depth than football, because I see way less people on the field. It just doesn't work this way.

I could say the same about traditional RTS games. In SC2 you can get very far in competetive by just doing the same strategy over and over again. You will always win because you learned a build order by heart and were much faster than the most enemies. A huge part of RTS games is to remember what counters what and what buildorders to build when. Then you learn the whole busywork of makro that has no depth at all applied to it and you will climb the ladder very fast.

The real deal is when you have to micro your units and have to win the fights against someone who did the busywork as fast as you. It's the exact same with MOBAs like Dota2 or LoL.

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