How each side responds when being asked what their political leanings are

Even the libertarian left or anarchist leaning (whatever) I am starting to realize are just as scummy as the far right version of libertarianism. I hate to say it but all of them seem to be totally cool with pedophilia or underaged sex trafficking. When everything libertarian or lack of state seems to always lead to kid fucking, you really gotta step back and really look ar the entire philosophy because the problem is systemic.

not sure if anyone here is familiar with the open source community, free software foundation, and Richard Stallman but he is what one would describe as a left/leftist libertarian

I didn't really stop and think about this until very recently Richard Stallman went and opened his mouth on his left leaning flavor of libertarianism again by defending Jeffrey Epstein. I am sure there are already people find ways to dismiss this with "no true scotsman" mental gymnastics but... yeah. It's not the first time he has supported abolishing the age of consent and even legalizing pornography of children because in his words as long as the kid agrees it would wrong to obstruct their freedom and there adults who find it sexually arousing.

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