no need to play with crayons

Pardon if this is outdated since I haven't kept up for half a decade;

None of those factors seam to matter. Laws of Sweden changed on categorization of rape 2 times in the last 3 decades but none had any noticeable impact on numbers.

The numbers are also only high for women, not men. To make it worse, the confidence women have in reporting rape is actually decreasing, meaning we get lower percentages of total cases every year.

There is certainly a real problem in Sweden, but it's far from "Muslims Bad". For starters, immigrants tend to have higher rape rates regardless of religion or background. I recall seeing American immigrants in Finland having higher rape rates than the native population.

Again, I'm not saying Immigrants or Muslims are a problem; I can just as easily say Swedish authorities are not allocating the required resources to bring these people into a wider society. Ostracized and Marginalized people have higher crime rates, more shocking news at 11.

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