Armchair Psychologists of the World, Unite!

most left wingers are not nutjob stalinists and most right wingers are not ethnic cleansers, but it isn't the centrists who stage violent coups or rebellions. Those fringe people you see on either side are the people who will decide the rules of the next society if we ever tip over into a civil war. If that happens, you will end up picking a side to fight for, and you will fight on behalf of your most radical members and install them into power, and whichever side wins is likely to silence anyone who disagrees

overlooking the radicals on your side and letting 5% of them become fucking insane is deciding that if there is ever a violent takeover of your country, that 5%'s views are going to be the ones you are lined up and shot for dissenting over. normalising extreme, ideological opinions is terrible from both sides of the aisle

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