How I feel playing against Yogg these days.

At least the community was right about Yogg...

It's not broken. It's a 50/50 chance Yogg will kill the person who played him. It's fine as it currently is.

It isn't broken, it works slightly in your favor most of the times, but it can also kill yourself.

Yogg is basically a novelty card... something fun to play. Instead of complaining about it, take solace in the fact you're actually playing a game against someone who isn't too serious about winning and is just trying to enjoy the deck for what it is... a silly rng game with just as much chance that they will lose as you.

You must be a noob at this game. I play at the highest rank (legend) and no one even dares to call this card OP. it's a fun card and won't see competitive (tournament) play. (legend player every season)

Nerf what? a card that can kill the guy that played him?lol....its 100%random if this card will turn "good" or "bad" for you....its 100% fun card but its random and i cant take the card "seriously"....whats so OP about "random spells to random targets " ?

I'm sorry, I must have misread the OP. For a second, I thought he said that Yoggy was OP. Now I know that this simply can't be what he said, because that would be one of the dumbest things ever.


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