So, how do you justify this?

I can only speak for myself, but I have only banned people here who post porn or the like (someone posted a video of a woman walking onna guys dick two days ago).

Basically, If it doesn't break reddits overall rules it doesn't get banned here.

You do get a lot of people who just want to be able to take this very screenshot.

Also yesterday I saw someone whining that they were "shadow banned" they weren't they didn't have the minimum karma threshold to get around the auto-mod.

I would argue this is one of the least harshly moderated subs on all of Reddit.

If you want something totally unmoderated check out r/freespeach Over there there is absolutely 0 moderation and as a result there aren't really any conversations.

If you want to talk about freespeech issues, please feel free to do so here. It is very lightly moderated.

/r/FreeSpeech Thread Link -