How many of you stopped voting Democrat because they wouldn't stop trying to divide the nation by race?

Dude it is insane. I was making out with a chick all night once, with my friends, chick was in our circle of friends, everyone knew her, she even matches me on fucking tinder. We end up fucking around a little bit in bed but she had to be up in like 4 hours, I'm hammered drunk just as much as she is(college) and horny so I take a few more stabs at getting it. No avail, cool, whatever, not the first time someone in the world doesn't want to have sex. We start putting clothes on, she get up, leaves the room and tells all my friends i just tried to rape here. I'm putting on my fucking shoes as this is happening, don't even know she's say this shit right this minute, as i'm still getting dressed. while I'm talking to another friend that came in and was shooting the shit with me.

Now this is the whole kicker.

I do not live in a progressive state. At all. period.

I have girl friends, one of which is my roommate, yes I also have a chick roommate. They all adamantly despise feminism. They openly mock it and laugh at it. They would give their soul to not work a career, stay at home and have babies. And these girls aren't trailer park trash chicks like you might be thinking. They aren't the type of chick that just want babies but they're to immature to realize the responsibilities.

No, these chicks are all registered nurses or career women making at least 50K a year off their degrees. All college educated by a conservative campus. shit, I've never seen one tumblr-eqsue chick in my life on campus. They just don't exist here. Every kids I've talked to is pro fucking trump even with the exception of the edgy hippies which is a minority. We are talking like goth kid circle in high school minority.

So what did all my friends do when they where presented the information that i 'tried to rap' a chick? Which by the way I'm 6' fucking 2" 200lbs of solid muscle, not humble bragging but it's like saying your average chick staved off an Olympic wrestler. I've literally never had any form of violence in my entire life and all my friends know this. I've never fought anyone. Only 1 of my 15 friends have ever seen me angry in my entire life. I was fucking engaged for 4 years once for Christ sake. I'm an extreme natural stoic. Like, i have trouble actually showing emotion I'm so fucking stoic and it's an issue for me socially.

They looked at me like i was the fucking devil. No fucking questions. No, eh, maybe our friend didn't actually rape a chick just 4 fucking minutes ago when they didn't even have sex. I talked to my chick roommate just a week before about how a dude is totally fucked upon a rape allegation and she totally agreed with me on it.

Nope, they where fucking furious. Pitch forks where out and at my throat. Friend of 15 years turns total white knight on me. Not even a question, no doubt. I was drilled from everyone. "What the fuck did you just do?", "What the fuck is wrong with you man?", "She a fucking girl!".

"uhh, what?", At this point i'm walking out, with the friend that i was talking to while putting on my shoes. I have no fucking clue what's going on or why they are looking at me like i just clubbed a baby seal.

I couldn't fucking sleep after they got done. This was like 6 am, i was already up for 24 hours. Could not sleep till about 1pm. I was physically sick, trembling. My entire world flipped upside down in an instant. I consider myself a fairly well self realized person but this was literally one of those instances of, "that would never happen to me." I would never believe in a thousand years that my friends of 15 years would side with a chick that barely knew any of us for more than a few months and how i'm probably one of the most passive dude they've ever know. I can't remember the last time I've yelled at someone.

not even a question. I was instantly guilty. Turns out she had a traumatic indecent before any of this. I dare not fucking ask the details because I'm fucking terrified to be honest. I don't trust anyone now. When you see your friends turn on you in an instant it fucks with you like you can describe. It's like being burglarized except there is jack shit to ever prevent it happening again. Friends for 15 fucking years. Oh and the chick, she's fine now. We actually talk, she comes over and we still drink and party together. Like nothing even happened.

I just can't trust a fucking soul anymore.

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