Humbert Humbert's worst nightmare

Real talk is that this isn’t “boomer hentai” in the first place and most of the stuff here isn’t. Also this sub is about the worst possible examples of, what are in actuality just dated looking, creepy adult cartoons (spanning many generations). It’s not a fair sampling or representative of boomers or any other generation.

These types of comics were always seen as novelties that are purposefully crass and vulgar. That’s even why people post them here, so that hasn’t changed. Back when these were first published the other was this image of a redneck creep or puritan hen-pecked husband that the erudite porn purchaser could laugh at while simultaneously being titillated by the disgusting themes of these comics. Now the other is the boomer, but the titillation and sardonic enjoyment you get is the same that people got back then.

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