Hunting with a white tailed eagle


Amazing. gif ends too soon, is there a longer video somewhere? I looked on YouTube under BBC but didn't find this exact video.

I did find this other BBC video where the title says Golden Eagles but it is also about these White-tail Eagles. It talks about how eagles had to be re-introduced into Scotland, and these Falconers/researchers are tracking them to ensure the success of the program. I think it is the same falconers of this gif because if you skip to 2:30 they have a camera on a white-tailed eagle that looks just like this one, it's just that the scenery recorded is different.

I saw a group of about 6 Bald Eagles sitting on some stumps just a few feet away right next to the road when I was on a trip to Alaska. It was quite a shock not only to see so many so close, but just how huge they are. One of the thrills of my lifetime. Eagles truly are the most magnificent apex predators.

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