'Ids' field question

Yes, but it's not a nice and easy to use ID like Amazon, Google, Barnes and Noble... It's very much a manual process.

You just use the generic URL Id. Go to Audible and find the page for the book you want linked. Look in the URL and just get up to the part with the unique ID that comes right after the name of the book. Everything from '?ref=' on you can get rid of.

So, instead of the full thing:


Just copy this part:


Then in Calibre metadata for that book, initially you may want to add Audible to the list list of ID prefixes, so you can just click that easier next time. The little icon to the left of the Ids field, right click that and edit list of prefixes. Add Audible on a new line.

From now on, if you have the URL from Audible copied in your clipboard, just right click that same icon, choose Audible, and it will paste that url into the ID field with the Audible prefix. This will now show up in the Ids of the book details section for that book. Clickable directly to that books Audible page.

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