I'm really disappointed AI art is getting such backlash. I've spent a lot of time using it to make my own comic book. It sucks now that it's likely just going sit half finished in a folder because even If I'm upfront about it being AI generated, I will be called a thief.

By internet standard this thread is old but let me say this: if you are creating for fun and because you enjoy it. then that's fine. But if you are planning on selling this work. You have to consider what actually went into this.

AI fans like to compare the human brain to the AI algorithm. If this is the case then why do we need AI? If they are exactly the same, then they do not have any differences nor do they have any conflict.

The issue is they are not the same. Anyone who states AI generation is the same as human inspiration doesn't understand language. Inspiration and generation are different. If they were the same then it would use the same word.

Your comic, let's say, you finish it. I take this comic, I run it through my own system and spit out a sequel or some form of story similar but not exactly the same. Or better yet, a completely "new" comic that in some ways looks like yours but it's hard to tell. Would you like this? After the said work you put into it?

Someone who makes the art, they take tools and use them on a real or digitally real canvas. They create a concept, they create a look, they create a story, they decide, from a blank canvas, what to do. Then they draw it it, they put the pen or stylus to the canvas and they line my line or layer by layer create this work.

How is that the same as AI? When AI is a tool being used against artist in most context, I don't think you're doing this, I think you're being fair, being honest. But think on this. Someone spent 10 years to create their masterpeice. You put that in a computer and spit out a very detailed and well-ish rendered work. IN a matter of seconds you've done what took someone ten years to do. Now on a factory floor this is incredible. But in human expression and creativity, that ten years wasn't just the skill aspect. It was the creativity as well. The ability to manifest ideas onto canvas through your hands or feet...etc. This process is rewarding and a part of the journey.

AI takes all of that effort of finding one's individual ability and place. Their style is not "theirs" but it's very hard to replicate someone's exact style, AI takes this to a new level.

You void that whole process. not to negate your effort to make a book, but did you spend the time to contribute to the art that you're using? It's debatable when it comes to editing and all of that. i do think there is a level of transformation that would constitute as original work. This would basically made it similar to photoshop. But photoshop didn't void the process, you still have to edit the material to make it newly original. This takes artistic skill and effort.

the line is drawn from when AI is used as a tool to work off of, or it's taken from AI and just pasted into a comic and sold for profit. If you are changing what the AI makes, I'd say it's your work even if it's void of the original process of creating that piece. You change enough, it's just not the same anymore. Can't dispute this; and this is fair use and I support this.

People are using software that didn't ethically source it's materials. So the barrier of creativity is erase, not lowered. AI does all the work initially for you. You do not have to draw, paint, sketch...etc. They are insulting artists, showing them "their style" through AI to invalidate their work and show that they are no longer "special" or an individual. Even if you're not doing this, the software you're using allows people to do this.

It's not your fault they do this but you will be associated with it because the internet generally lacks nuance in any argument. But the question is, is it ethical? Sure Picasso said to steal, but if you take someone who was born in 1881 and try to use their words to justify technology introduced to society over 100 years later, over 40 years after his passing; is that what he meant? Did he steal a Klimt painting and say "look what I made?" No. He didn't.

The purpose of style, although not currently protected is each artist has their own. It's hard for non-artists to see this. But it's there. No one is exactly the same. When you draw, no one can "steal" that, it's unique yours. However AI isn't noone, it isn't a person. it's a software. It's literally takes your work and uses it. And some are using that for profit. It's a hard question to answer until the legal stuff is sorted. but this is something to consider.

/r/midjourney Thread