I'm a specialist in Chemical and Biological Warfare. AMA

Would Ebola be a good bioweapon?

Ebola has a some good properties but it was never selected by military to be weaponized. The lethality is high mainly because it happens in africa where the health system is deficient. When people are taken into modern facility the death rate is much lower. As for the bullshit I've heard in the news regarding a Ebola suicide guy who would get infected and travel to a target, jut know that people are not contagious until Ebola start affecting the subject. At this stage you are literally crapping on yourself and so weak that it would be impossible to stand up. So I'm not talking about taking a plane and fart around in an international airport. The measures taken during Ebola in internal airports (infrared detectors) are mostly for CNN cameramen.

What diseases would make for good bioweapons? What profile must a good bioweapon have? Fast transmissibility? Fast incubation or slow? Quick die-off or slow? It depends of the effect you are looking for. Strategic or tactical ? In this case you would want a fast incubation period. If you want to use this on a battle front you also want the agent to dissipate quickly so your troop can go forward after a bio bombing. But in general it's hard to find or make a bio agent that has all the required properties which is why US and soviet union both spent a lot of time and money to research the best agents. After the fall of soviet union, the West discovered that the soviet had a very similar inventory of virus and bacteria. On each side, both military had a short list of 10-15 bio agents that made good bio weapons. A bioweapon profile also depends of the intentions. Warfare or terrorism.

What systems does the US have in place to be implemented in case of a biological weapon, and are those systems fairly similar for handling any other type of outbreak? Usually, a country is as good as its healthcare system is. USA stands on the top list and made massive stockpile of vaccine and other products since 911. The first responders are also very well trained.

What is the prognosis for the US if the worst case scenario occurred, and what would that be? Not sure about what the worst case scenario would be. A completely new agents, very potent, transmissible by air and not responding to any known treatment or vaccine would be very bad.

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