Big oversight on my side on the whole 3 day vs this morning thing. I read the post, saw the date and assumed responses were from 3 days ago. Which obviously made me pissy, which is why I responded the way I did.

Anyways, It's not random, its a vote. People aren't voting randomly. You can't take non-random voting and just call it random. You can't take the results from a vote and call then random. People are voting on books they want to read. Books so far that have been popular, across multiple genres, themes, protagonists, etc. Each and every vote is it's own event. There is NOT a good model to incorporate all the variables. And it would get even more complex if you wanted to combine multiple, separate votes.

There was a very good chance all 4 choices would be written by white male authors in the first vote because that's the vast majority of what was nominated. Second vote, not as bad but still not surprising. You can't put them together, you have to treat them as individual votes. Period.

If the next vote gets flooded with female author nominations then it won't be surprising if all 4 are written. By females. That's just the way it is.

Yes, there are not as many female published authors through history. Yes, people tend to be biased towards what they know (if 90% of the voters were teenage girls I wouldn't have been surprised if we read a book like the hunger games) and they're going to vote as such. But that's the problem. There aren't as many female authors (or at least there weren't). These votes aren't biased, they reflect a biased situation. We can't vote for books that aren't nominated because they weren't published because women weren't given a fair shake 50+ years ago. Nominate books written by female authors, that's how you fix the situation. Not complaining because we ended up with books written by men when 80%+ of the nominations are such.

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