Anxiety over reading posts in this sub, anyone?

It wont do much to improve their life? Part of the point of accumulating that much wealth is so money becomes a nonissue. With $1m you have to maintain a budget. If you wish to raise kids, you have to buy in bulk, find group deals for plane tickets, and in general you need to live frugally. I'm all for living fruglly during accumulation, but when I retire I want to be free. If I have to constantly check my budget, clip coupons, or tell myself some restaurant is too pricey, then I'm not free. Financial Independence, for me, is achieved when I don't have to work for a living. Having to do all of those things like manage income properties, bargain hunt, and generally limit my spending are working! They may be very cushy to you and everyone else, but they piss me off. I get it, I'm entitled! I grew up in a household where the time it would take to clip coupons would actually be an opportunity cost! My parents make enough money so that they would actually be better off to not spend their time looking for deals and instead just work for an hour (resulting in way more money than would have been saved from the frugal options). But you know what else my parents do? They work! I hate it! I always did. They constantly work and build their wealth. That's great for them, but I dont want that in life. I want to be free from working. I want to be free both from the 9-5 that my parents are in love with and the littlw things that /r/frugal cant get enough of.

Sorry for the rant, but it's honestly, for some reason, offensive that you think people with expensive tastes are in need of pitty. If you're happy with your choices, I dont fault you, but I dont want to live on so little. I would rather work for the few extra years.

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