Here’s how you school climate deniers: The anti-science movement’s biggest fallacies, debunked

Since the moderators won't do anything about you admittedly gaming the system it is my only recourse to keep your shitposting off of the front page. It is hilarious that you have the gall to speak to me about the rules when you've admitted to intentionally trolling in order to get people to downvote your submissions. Talk about a complete lack of self awareness.

The mods do not consider my actions to be trolling, nor gaming the system, as they've already said. Here's the evidence:


I said I expected it, not that I wanted it.

As I said before, I "trained" people here by espousing my genuine point of view, which happens to disagree with their point of view.

I knew you'd focus on that word when I wrote it. You're problem is that you are now faced with a decision.

Am I some puppet-master genius who suppress's information I disagree with by manipulating people who hate me into downvoting content that they actually agree with?

Or am I the incompetent, uneducated, hopeless idiot who can't influence anyone to do anything but disregard me, like you claim about a dozen times a day?

The "spirit" of the sub is to foster a discussion. I'm the one doing that. You and those like you are the ones preventing it, with a "he made me do it" excuse.

Scroll to the bottom and you'll see a mod agreeing with me.


Please, message the moderators about me telling you to fuck off, maybe then they'll be forced to finally address what you've been doing. Until then, as always, you can fuck right off.

How many times do you think you can make a post like this that you know breaks the rules, admit breaks the rules, while telling the mods you don't care about the rules, before you get banned.

Keep writing, lets find out.

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