To all my 9-5 ents. Who says the morning commute can't be enjoyable?

I'm really surprised and irked by these comments.

I used to be addicted to benzos, prescribed by a psychiatrist, completely legal. do you know the amount of coworkers you encounter who are high on benzos, pain meds or any other legal drugs? there are probably far more people than you might think, now, I'm not saying that some of those aren't necessary for people, sometimes people have anxiety issues that they need to take care of (or pain issues or whatever) in order to function and work. people taking vicodin to function and work aren't criticized, so why are people who smoke weed being criticized? it is indeed an individual thing and I think this thread is filled with way too much judgment

I have a severe anxiety disorder and pot helps me immensely. my life improved when I started smoking instead of taking benzos, yes, I smoked at work, I took breaks and I smoked, and I do not think it was unprofessional, and it did not affect my work quality. I have a severe mental disorder that I work through with therapy, psychiatry and other therapist actually prefers that I smoke pot over taking benzos (though ideally, I do not want to be dependent on any drug, sometimes that isn't possible for some people. even if OP or whomever doesn't need pot to function, I still don't judge the situation because I am not them)

the people smoking during the day to function can and do have problems, but maybe they are well aware of that..? maybe they are medicating themselves in a different way, and I think more people need to respect that and not be quite so judgmental

I realize i will get downvoted here because the general consensus seems to be very anti-weed (which again, surprises me here haha) at work.

the guy who said smoking before work was same as taking a few shots was ridiculous, because all these drugs are vastly different from each other, would you say taking one or two benzos or vics to manage something is the same as taking shots as well? I just don't really understand the logic

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