James Alefantis. Comet Ping Pong. Owner. As seen here in a family photo.

The fake news MSM hijacked the pizzagate/pizza store story and twisted the narrative to create a garbage version for the public to follow.

This is why it is largely forgotten today by the mainstream public, dismissed as a bogus conspiracy. The public is easily brainwashed.

90% of 'pizzagate' stuff is fake news.

Ghislaine owned/funded Voat - which was a honeypot.

4ch and other sites (honeypots) blacklisted all images and text pieces with real information, automod bots instantly delete things on all top sites.

In the real conspiracy communities it was predicted the pizza store shooter would appear 7 days after it was exposed there was a dungeon - leading to an underground tunnel/sewer/train system connected to other 'fronts'.

Soon enough a fake news shooter appeared, media condemned pizzagate as fake news, and banned it as it was getting 'dangerous'. Dangerous to the elite. Assholes.

The shooter is a crisis actor and acting grad of some rich acting school and his dad is a general and contractor to the Clinton Foundation - so it was all bullshit which the media covered up.

The legit story was in Haiti and other poor nations, with a cult in washington being exposed, along with stores in Washington with seemingly other nefarious purposes.

The fake news MSM however, made it seem like the story was about an Innocent gay man named James Alefantis, a victim of trolls.

  • James Alefantis is a Rothschild.
  • Translated, James Alefantis = Jaime Les Enfantes. "I love kids".
  • His middle name is Archillies, translated = weakness, death, suffer.
  • His name could then be translated as "I love children" or for Jaime Archillies Les Enfantes "I love murdering children", or "Kids are my weakness", or so on...

Keep alert!

/r/conspiracyundone Thread Link - i.redd.it