Hi all. I bought some probiotics and I was interested to understand whether it was better to take them after eating or on an empty stomach. The internet searches are so divided on this that that's what it comes up within one source and another. Can somebody please clarify this once and for all?

Let me clarify the internet. Up until 2008 or so, the internet had been organically populated with, not necessarily all true, but genuine and well intended information. Once people realized Lehman Bros had been bullshitting the entire time, the financiers that loot our world continuously realized they would have to conquer the internet in order to continue bullshitting and looting the world. So they used the bankruptcy of Lehman Bros to begin printing massive amounts of fiat money and sponsoring massive amounts of new bullshit on the internet. They sponsored misleading content creators. They sponsored misleading "news" oriented sites. They printed so much fake money and the following decade became the decade of garbage on the net. Such that today we have the situation you describe.

/r/Supplements Thread Link - i.redd.it