Over 50 Cell Towers Vandalized in UK Due to 5G Coronavirus Conspiracy Theories

That seems reasonable, alternatively these people are throwing everything they have into the game, shill and non shill. It's forbidden to raise the question at a pivotal time when some people's survival may be at risk. If I shrink down and become polite and self effacing, people side with strength. The scientists, the Doctors, the concerned parents can only do so much, because the shill is trained to waste their time, hurt their feelings and embarrass them. Anyway I don't call just anyone a shill just rude people or people who twist issues, make consistent demands, dis-inform, or people who are attacking me personally. People call me all sorts of names on here, I'm not special and I don't see why I should be especially tolerant and giving toward them, at this time.

/r/conspiracyundone Thread Parent Link - pcmag.com