[Returning Player] My honest feedback after 750 hours and dropping the game and coming back.

It was not necessarily confirmed only 1-25 was in the patch. In fact, AGS during their Livestream mentioned they intended to apply the same principles to the 1-25 leveling to the rest of the leveling.

Will we only see 1-25 by the time Brimstone sand comes out? Probably, since they haven't revealed anything about 25-60, but maybe they're also playing that close to the chest. They clearly see how popular it is, if I was the head of AGS I'd try to have 25-50 hammered out by the time Brimstone drops late October.

50-60 is pretty quick, and just leveling professions for the endgame will be plenty of exp to get there, so it's the part of the questing that's the least in need of improvement.

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