Just got my replica screen accurate IDs for Third Watch and SVU Detectives Yokas and Benson guy does amazing work even the 2000s style ID had hologram on it

A guy I know makes legit copies and I have a dude that makes the official shields. So I have Officer yokas full shield and citation and uniform along with her detective shield. The IDs are little prices, the top row is the 90s style and the bottom which is my personal one he made for me is the 2000s style, and then there is a current style. For my ID on bottom printed on pvc card with hologram it cost $300 but you could get it made on laminated cardboard for less than $100 the hologram is the same as official so that’s why it’s expensive. These are all for display not to use to impersonate plus I don’t live in NYC.

I love remaking props from law and order and third watch so I could help order some for you. Shields are little expensive to some people $100 plus. But they are almost the same ones issued by department Just missing the back seal. These are also amazing for those that do acting work as extras because shows like law and order hire extras that own their own uniforms.

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