Canada: Outrage boils over as B.C. government plans to sell groundwater for $2.25 per million litres

I was born and raised here in B.C. and all that I can really say at this point is that our current conservative Harper Government (yes he actually named it that even though its ALWAYS been called the Canadian Government like it should be; even Obama didn't pull that kind of shit and the U.S.A. is all kinds of fucked up as we all know) in control for the past couple of years is comprised of nothing more than a bunch of CORRUPT, USELESS, ARROGANT, IGNORANT, GREEDY, CHEAP FUCKHEADS.

Other fellow Canadians, step away from the political platform you normally most associate and/or agree with for a minute and seriously consider this: unless you are part of the 1% of very wealthy Canadians in our country, how much better does Canada actually seem to you? I'm middle class and I can tell you for damn sure having spent enough time amongst the rich and poor that it hasn't gotten better and has actually gotten worse.

Our economy is absolute SHIT. It is worse than ever before even though Harper and the conservatives always kept promising that they would make real change. Some may have actually tried to make some real change but the majority have been making it easier for big corporations and the rich get tax breaks and more flexibility in getting their way instead of actually trying to help everyone else constantly struggling in the broken and butchered system. This has been happening so rapidly ever since Harper became prime minister that it's becoming increasingly more suspicious to everyone, even conservatives, as to just what kind of shady deals our government made to further line the pockets of only the rich.

Not to mention our EXTRAORDINARILY beautiful and well renowned environment and nature has been horribly affected so negatively by our government with all this pipeline shit that's been happening. I realize it's been a necessity, but it's one that will NOT last for much longer and that's just a cold hard fact, regardless of whether or not you work on the oil rigs. You got families to feed, I get it. But It's 2015, we have to start changing the way we extract and use resources in and around our planet if you and your families want to gasp! FUCKING SURVIVE.

I don't hate conservatives or any particular political platform just to be clear, I just hate greedy, ignorant cunts that decide to use these tools and resources meant for the public to their own personal benefit.

To other Canadians, please do careful research on each party and their candidate before deciding on who to vote for in the upcoming election because, quite frankly, we're kinda fucked right now. Personally, I don't want to see the conservatives win even slightly because they've more than had their fare share of being in control and reaping the benefits for nearly 10 years now. Maybe in the future there will be less corrupt conservatives that will be more beneficial for everyone. From what I've seen so far, few of those exist, at least for the past couple of years now. I hope I am wrong about the conservatives of the past because the present ones are fucking the middle and lower class over HARD.

And for fucks sake, either legalize or decriminalize marijuana (and all drugs) completely. Make every drug legal and what happens? Suddenly every drug dealer the world over is out of business and the general population will see how unglamorous and un-rebellious drug addiction is (While ANYTHING can be addicting to the human brain, I'm not lumping cannabis in there so others can jump on the "weed is bad train. Be RESPONSIBLE with any substance you can safely use such as this one and you should be fine.) This "war" on drugs has been one of the most laughably pointless, time-consuming wastes of time ever that has ruined MILLIONS of lives. Those of us who actually study this aren't stupid. Stop wasting OUR hard earned tax dollars on stupid useless shit like some spoiled brat.

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