Just got a new Controller in the mail last night after being a Mouse and Keyboard gamer for the last 4 years. What are some things I need to know about playing Halo with a controller?

The skill set from one to the other shares parallels, but agreed with your second paragraph. It would be foolish for a controller player to not make use of aim assist. My opinion, for whatever it is worth, is that as strafing increases aim assist should be lessened and right stick dependence increases. I'm not a dev and this idea sounds like a nightmare to implement, but there should be a balance.

In the end the debate is probably never going to end. 1 shot players who get flick shotted by mouse, full shield gunfight where mouse is basically against aim assist and the player, etc etc. At least it always makes for interesting / heated conversation. I think I've learned that one at face value isn't inherently better or worse, it depends on the play style. Mouse + controller both pigeonhole people to adopt certain universal tactics due to device characteristics. For what it's worth it is probably the best idea to play with both. It allows for insight into the strengths and weaknesses that accompany the devices.

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