Best way to go about finding your aim settings?

If you are new to controller shooters, I'd say to look up a few pros with different play styles settings and try a few out shooting bots in training mode. Maybe look at bound for fast snappy gameplay, formal for methodical and controlled aim, snakebite maybe for something in between. Fov and deadzone settings will have a fairly substantial effect on the way your sense will feel also, so if you are someone that needs to play at a high or low fov, try and find pros with similar fov preferences. You also may need to figure out if you tend to peg your stick to aim or if you tend to make small adjustments with your stick. Coming from H5 I ran a lower sense because I had a habit of making my stick input to make fast snappy adjustments. while playing mcc I used a higher sense and made smaller stick movements to adjust my aim. Coming into infinite I recognized the gameplay was somewhere between do I run a higher sense than I did in h5, but not something as touchy as I ran in mcc. Once you find something that you think you like start making small adjustments from that point to dial it in for yourself. Took me a couple hundred hours to get to the sense I'm on. It's also important to know that different controllers may have different stick sensitivity curves. I use a thrustmaster that has a much more linear curve than a default controller, so smaller inputs are more sensitive for my controller than a default. At this point I'm just rambling, but some of the words I typed are probably useful so goodluck.

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