Just a Heads-up - Something is Going to be Announced by Amazon Regarding Alexa on 02/02/20?

That was sweet of you, VOR. I try to give, if I have cash and/or change on hand. There was one girl sitting outside of a Walmart one day and she asked me if I had some money so she could buy lunch. I said I didn't have any at the time, but I would give her something on the way out and I did. Needless to say, I found out that she is or was there quite often and the money she needed was for drugs and not food.

Do you have the pest windshield washers in Boston, like they have in NYC? A group of us from work were driving into the city in a van to go to an event. It was a hot day too. While at a traffic light a guy came up to us with his pail of water and squeeze gee. Of course, the person driving gave him a tip in fear of some type of retaliation. As we proceeded along, the smell of urine came into the van through the vents. The guy must have filled his pail full of pee!

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