Is it just me or is ratchet and clank one the best game? After that it’s going commando in my opinion

I thought the first game was best... I love the simplicity of the overall game. best story, best characters, best weapons, best really was a perfect game. after that things went downhill. I also enjoy SAC (funniest game and unique, love the qwark playable segments and best gagebots segments in series), UYA, ACIT, ITN (story really good but wasted on short game). but the first game is the most unique where all games after were just shoot everything with anything but the first game used the suck cannon well it sucked but it worked great on the jelly fish beach level. and the chicken gun worked best on the ameboids because it didn't make them break into extra enemeies, and the taunter did nothing but was but was great to bring enemies into electric doors or open doors. and the mines were great to set before opening a door. it was the only game that made you think what should I use here where all other RC games did not matter what weapon you used, it was just run and gun.

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