What's the slimiest thing you've ever done to "get ahead" in life?

This happened last Saturday. I needed to get tags for my truck. I planned on getting to the DMV when it first opened on Saturday morning but I got there late.

Apparently I was NOT the only one because when I got to the DMV the doors were locked and a huge line trailing down the block had formed. It was raining so I decided instead of getting at the end of the line and getting soaking wet on this cold ass winter day while I waited for them to open the office I would try out the new online queue that they had advertised on their website.

When I called I fully expected it would tell me that I would have to wait until the office was open or a certain period of time after the office was open so the people that were in line when the doors opened would be taken car of first.

To my surprise it told me I was the second one in line and that I should go to the DMV office as soon as possible to be assisted by the next free agent.

When I saw them open the doors and the line started moving forward I went to the back of the line and filed in with everyone else. When I got to the lady that was handing out numbers from the queueing kiosk I told her I had called in. She asked me for my phone number and then told me to follow her. She lead me to the front of the line and sat the nice and warm dry me down with the one and only agent. No one else had been called up yet because none of the other windows had agents. A large wet man from the front of the crowd of wet cold people that was now seated to wait started cussing me and the staff woman who had taken me to the front of the line. The Staff women (who I had now inferred to be the site manager) told the man if he continued he would be removed from the premises. She then got the attention of the rest of the crowd and announced that anyone could do this now because this office now used the (Name of the Queueing software). The lady quickly exited to the back of the building behind a secured door (I think this was partially dew to fear for her own safety). The large wet man had shut up and now glared at me. The rest of the rain soaked crowd had become completely quiet and now seemed to focus completely on me. Alot of hate. The agent sensing the anger and hate in the room (and a sense that she needed to somehow appease the crowd) said loudly with a nervous quiver without looking directly at me "You really shouldn't be able to jump the line like this but my boss says you are next so you are next." We then nervously proceeded to renew my tags shuffling papers back and forth. I could feel the hateful looks of the crowd now behind me burning a hole in the back of my head. There were murmurs that I sensed were plots for my undoing unfolding behind my back. I dare not look back at them. When the agent handed me my new tags I was tempted to ask if they had any security that could escort me out because I really felt there was a chance the mob might jump me as I was leaving. Instead I held my head down and did not look back to the crowd and made a B line for the door. (To my relief the mob didn't jump me and I was out of the DMV in a record 15 minutes)

TLDR.. I jumped the line at the DMV by using technology.. but it almost cost me my life.

/r/AskReddit Thread