I just realized that I have to use an external disc drive with the laptop that I have now, which has a tray loader.

Another way that you’re reminding me of my ex is that he was generally unsupportive of anything that I did which took my time and attention away from doing things for him. I mean, he wanted me to be totally self-sufficient so he could come and go and do whatever he wanted, but anything that I did that kept me busy when he wanted attention, he’d find ways to make it hard for me.

That is what you are doing now. I am trying to focus on my sobriety and getting my life together, and you’re waving your hands trying to get my attention back on you.

You’re not supporting anything that I’m doing to take care of myself, you’re doing whatever you can to keep me entwined with you, whether or not it’s loving or healthy. That’s fucked up. Go read ‘Codependent No More’ already.

/r/GetItOffYourChest Thread