A Bunch of Marxist Essays about Stand Alone Complex

The thing you have to consider when asking this question is what exactly caused Kuze's revolution to fail. In episode 22 (ish? fact check me on that) Motoko says the thing that scares her about Kuze is that he honestly "thinks he can bring peace to the world by rising to power as a dictator." And in the end, this is what lead to Kuze's downfall: His over-reliance in his own ability to lead thanks to the Internet. As soon as his digital connection to the refugees was cut off, Dejima descended into complete anarchy in a situation where anarchy could not have possibly been the solution. He didn't teach the refugees to lead themselves, and instead relied too heavily on a fickle system like the Internet rather to allow him to lead an entire nation of people.

This makes perfect sense in the context of the broader themes of the show, too. One of the main points that Stand Alone Complex tries to make about the Internet is that it brings people together into a predictable collective and, as a result, creates a desperate need for individuality among humans. But as the Puppeteer says in Solid State Society, in the Internet age, the ability of the individual is declining rapidly, and, as Batou states in his conversation with Gouda, this has been taken to the extreme where the success of the individual as a leader, no matter how charismatic and powerful they may be, still has a large basis in luck. Kuze was trying to become a dictator to save a world he saw as full of phonies ("There's is a phoney society. I wish to open their eyes to that fact), because he had the immature view that he was the sole person who understood the problems with the world (similar to Holden Caufield and Aoi, by the way, which is the meta-textual reason for why he uses the word "phoney" in particular) and the only one with the ability to solve them. In the Internet age, the only way to change the world is to indirectly manipulate the masses like Gouda does.

TL;DR Kuze was misguided because dictators don't work in a society with the Internet.

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