An hour and a half ago dropped a dose. Just gunna post in here as a journal to myself and others if you wish to read :)

NOTE: I'm still on the comedown so I will edit in the morning to make what I'm saying more clear.

I guess to lead off I'd say everyone is different and this is solely from my own experiences.

For the first trip I was with my two best friends and I liked it as an introduction to the substance. The reason I say that is it gave me an idea of what to expect for future trips.

Now for what you want to know about, tripping alone. I've had about as bad of a trip as comes and I've had trips like today (best trip I've ever had). I'm going to speak from today's trip so I can hope to help you have a great trip!

I'd say you need to make sure that your life outside the setting that you will be in directly needs to be positive. This is a much bigger deal then I used to think but make sure that you are keeping healthy (good diet/exercise) and that you are indeed in what you would call a good point in life (whether it be doing well in school, on good standing with your family, etc.)

For the trip itself in the first few hours I ate a good dinner (be careful though, nausea on the come up is a real thing), listened to some of my favorite music, and partook in creative endeavors (for me it was practicing art techniques and coming up with new ideas). If you notice that things start going wrong go out for a nice stroll! Once I hit the peak I like to go outside and see what the world has to offer. The outside world is great to explore and it also brings forth a different light for you to think things through from (not to mention, the places you normally go are AMAZING when you are on acid because of how you appreciate what you normally take for granted). When I get home from being outside I usually shower and either listen to music (which involves lots of dancing!) or I watch movies/T.V. shows. A lot of people say not to watch television or movies while tripping, but I find that they introduce new ideas for my brain to work off of.

I hope I helped out a little! If you have ANY questions I'd be pleased to help!


/r/LSD Thread