Larry Fink CEO of Blackrock (One of the largest Investment firms in the world) penned this open letter about Climate Change

The change will come after the world economy has imploded. Right now the Fed is pumping billions into the economy in order to put off the inevitable crash that is coming.

I get that the US matters A LOT, but Luckily there are a many more countries in the world with their heads screwed on a lot more straight than the US. SO they'll be working on things while the US screws around with their denial.

And for anyone thinking China is worse - they are doing much much more to curb their Co2 emissions than the US. They're changing faster than people think, even though on one hand their installing renewables, they're also still building coal plants. Terrible but they have been moving the right direction.

And those countries are starting to take baby steps.

The economy doesn't necessarily have to implode first but this needs to be managed so it doesn't implode much.

I have my degree in economics and I work in finance. I've put a ton of effort and time into climate change.

I do believe we can get to 100% renewables, I do believe we'll find that carbon sequestration will work (leading candidate for many reasons in my head is BioChar). I also think we'll get to the point of desperation that we fertilize the oceans and spray particulate matter into the upper atmosphere just like Mt. Taal is doing (not necessarily a bad thing!! Mount Pinatubo in 1992ish...) but with airplanes.

You're very right in many ways though - when I 'became woke' my instinct after I stopped a several week long panic was to reduce meat by 90% in my diet, stop flying for vacations, and basically stop buying stuff.

If there's 10% of a population that behaves like me - it'll be a good solid ... .very solid... economic depression.

Keep an eye on Australia in the next 6 months. Not necessarily the main media headlines, but watch for the data. When they realize it's consumerism and our behaviour (yes... pushed and influenced by corporations... ) Retail sales will plumet. Domestic flights will decline. People will eat out less. People will be cranking down their consumer-focused lifestyle. This is going to happen regardless of the climate-change denying asshole in charge there right now.

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