Larry Garfield on harassment in the Drupal project

Um no, not at all. None of these proposals are particularly good (may have missed one). My advice to anyone is you must hit the following points in your session proposal:

  1. Who is this for? This is the part where you are directly speaking to the people you want in our audience e.g. "Are you tired of guessing why your website is slow? Guess no more! (infomercial bling sound)"

  2. (be specific) what are we covering? What are the problems you (the audience) can't solve, and what are we gonna do about it? This is best included as a rough outline. (yeah, conference organizers really appreciate a suggestion of structure to the talk)

  3. Practice makes perfect. Drupal camps make a great place to practice talks, and drupalcon is a bad place to do a talk for the first time (i speak from experience here, don't do your talk in front of 400 people the first time, try 40 at first). You up your chances quite a bit if you can say "did this talk at Drupalcamp Idaho." Doing it once in front of a camp of 20-40 will really make the experience of doing it the second time much less stressful. In any case, none of these proposals give the impression this talk has been done before (to me at least).

So with all that said... Is there a specific proposal that you think is obviously of higher or acceptable quality to an accepted one? Mind linking it instead of just barfing a list of links to rejected session proposal? I'll be honest, most of these proposals would have a sketchy chance of getting accepted at a drupalcamp, much less drupalcon... and that has nothing to do with gender.

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