Why is it OK to suggest that a straight man can be turned gay, but considered offensive to suggest that a gay man can become straight?

Last year i made friends with a gay guy and he seemed nice initially. I knew he was gay because he made it very apparent and he’s a little effeminate. He was every single stereotype there is to being gay. So as i started to know him better, i realised, his entire life is centred around his sexuality. All he wanted to talk about is sex and how he can turn straight men into gay and how he’s a huge stud and he’s sleeping with randos but in 8mo of friendship i never once saw anyone come to his place (we live in a hostel, our rooms are on that same floor) We had a tomboyish girl living in the hostel and he would always say how one gay experience will turn her into a lesbian or she already a closeted one or maybe she’s trans. And he would shoot shots at everyone, he had no social boundaries, be it the hostel or be it the workplace. He’d keep making sexual innuendos at the workplace too. if these things came out a straight man’s mouth, he’d be incarcerated, he’d be called a pig but the gay guy gets away with it. Had he been straight and displayed such behaviour, he’d be in huge trouble

/r/TooAfraidToAsk Thread Parent