So Leah Brahms, the holographic love interest of La Forge was originally supposed to be black, a simple casting mixup made her white in the end

Alright, if you're going to go out of your way to call me racist, you clearly didn't bother to try and understand what my comment was saying. Never at any point did I say I oppose mixed or other different types of couples on television. What I said I opposed was how modern television draws attention to these couples as if they're trying to meet some sort of diversity quota. If you're going to include a mixed, gay, or other type of couple, do it because you want to and don't draw attention to the fact that they're different. That's why I praised the show for doing such a good job with it. The attraction seemed very genuine and not about the black guy falling in love with a black girl. That's how I like my television: genuine. I liked how natural the show made it out to be.

I also specifically stated that I wished for mixed relationships to be more accepting in the mainstream than they are now. Because yes, in 2015, there are still plenty of people that oppose mixed relationships. Are they the kind of people I would include in my life? Of course not, but they still exist.

But I do know that most people in my circle of friends tend to date people of their own race. It isn't for any one reason (because some date people of other races too). I was taking my personal experiences and trying to think of a reason for it, which is why I said it must be biological or cultural. It's a pattern I see in the area where I live, and I wanted to see if there was an explanation for it. I'll admit, I probably misjudged when I said mixed couples were inaccurate. But again, in the area of the country, mixed couples aren't as common as say somewhere like New York where it's a cultural melting pot.

Seriously, if you're going to call me a racist because I like relationships to not be based off of race and off of the attraction of two people, then you're just looking for an excuse to call me a racist. My worldview isn't "skewed." I don't have a problem with two people of different races dating, or homosexuals, or transgenders, or any other type of couple that isn't white on white. I wasn't being "tokenistic." If you seriously think television shows don't include "token" characters or relationships to boost their rating, then you are the one with the skewed world view. There's a reason that the main black character on South Park is named "Token Black." TV shows have to appeal to the broadest group of people possible, and that often means throwing in certain types of characters.

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