Leaning down to hear me

Slightly related, but admittedly different circumstances.

Last night I was at the university gym. It's a large, open, high-celinged facility. The noise level can get pretty high, but with most of the students now away for the summer, the noise was fairly muted yesterday evening. As I was finishing my workout, I saw a taller guy, probably a graduate student, with a tee-shirt that had QUORA on the front. I thought this was probably the blog site that I had been thinking of joining. And so I went over to ask whether that's what QUORA on his shirt was about. Just as I reached him, he sat down to use a weight machine that requires a fairly high seat adjustment. Facing each other, our eyes were about level, which was just fine with me. But as I began to ask about the shirt logo, he immediately stood up. Easily 6'4". I had no sense that he wanted to show off his almost a foot height advantage, but that seeing someone fifteen or so years older he was just being courteous. He gave me the information about the site and told me how it worked, his experience using it, never leaning down or hunching over even slightly. Just two people having a conversation.

Yes, the noise level didn't present the challenges of a restaurant space, but for me this was a very pleasant experience. After a few seconds I didn't even notice the height gap, which I'm often too conscious of. I was really impressed with his courtesy. I add this late entry just to make clear that I wasn't intending in this thread to suggest that taller people are insensitive. I admire, and admittedly am envious of, height. Not to coin a phrase, some of my best friends (and nearly all of my family! [my over-done lament on reddit short three days ago]) are tall. Enough from me for a while. Thanks.

/r/tall Thread