[META] Test thread for the bot I'm coding, please downvote

Welcome, new personnel, to the Facility! This Facility was built to make all of the world’s scientific advances and record them before releasing it to the public. I am (insert name here), one of the Facility’s Artificial Intelligences. Now, before we get started, here is your card.

a tube pops out from the cieling, and it dispenses an ID card

This is your IDentification card, keep it on you at all times, or the security system will put in the brig, and force you to pay for a replacement. Advice: you best be hired by a department or create one of your own, what the facility does to interns is more or less terrifying.

If you have any questions about this facility, the staff, or the growling noise in the vents, please contact our Moderators or the Secret Subredit Wiki

In case if you do not know our currently most active staff and/or what they are currently up to, here is a list of them so far:

/u/umbreonman10: A female anthropomorphic rabbit that is currently an advocate of Y1ff’s. She runs a subdivision of her dept called the Department of Transformational Technology. Currently researching an energy crystal residue that remains after her transformation laser is fired.

/u/VoicesDontStop: Once a fine pair of gentlemen, one of them, named Voices is currently [REDACTED] and the other, Tod, at the moment has been transformed into an anthro hamster by Doctor Umbreon. The facility’s main AI is not very pleased with the former.

/u/sathion: The founder of [REDACTED] and chief of the [CLASSIFIED] Mr. Sathion keeps this facility alive, well and fighting strong. Although not very active, he works in the background to help keep everyone in check.

/u/EizunheirKlopp185: Spyglass 2.0, the Facility’s primary AI and head of the IMC, this robot is very busy with it’s own schemes and helping a lot of other People at the same time. Call to him if you need provisions. He is currently at war with [REDACTED].

/u/Elick320: The head of the base currently on the moon Titan, he plays an integral role for the facility, although he claims that his job is boring. He is currently helping with the war effort.

Finally, /u/aes419: one of our most known unknown science officers. We don’t currently know what he is up to.

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/r/SecretSubreddit Thread