Height vs Income in tech sector (or Silicon Valley)

There's no innate discrimination, per se. You won't get turned down for a computer engineering job for being short lul

There is, however, a shitload of evidence (in the form of both scientific studies & just regular surveys) showing a slight, yet very noticeable disparity in terms of confidence, intelligence & success between tall people and short people (on average, obviously.. plenty of anecdotal examples of the opposite). It's a well known fact that we've been brainwashed with retarded "social norms" and similar bullshit for generations and generations, and one of the products of that is what we're discussing.

I read a really good analogy once that basically said: the cons of being tall are the pros of being short, and vice versa; tall problems stem from actual physical/health & comfort issues, whereas short problems represent hundreds of years of brainwashing, aka just crap that's in our heads as the result of enforcing said social norms & similar shit that, over time, became so ingrained in our society, in our minds.. The fact that the latter has become a seemingly bigger issue and source of insecurity than actual physical, health & similar struggles, is almost tragicomic at this point. A similar story as this "a real man should be tall" narrative, is the thing we've all been taught ever since we could walk - men don't talk about their emotions, they don't cry about shit, they just go about their business (until everything bottled up inside comes out and that's often what happens). There's plenty of fucked up "norms" that have just became a part of who we are due to generations of being enforced, but what can ya do. Can't stress about that stuff too much, just live life as best as you can.

/r/tall Thread