Lia bullying controversy

Honestly, Midzy's are spreading misinformation that defamation lawsuits against lia's victims were dropped due to lack of evidence but its not true. This is not really a case of “not enough evidence”. The akp article is missing or mistranslating crucial details. The original article about this on Naver states more or less that the police interviewed both victim A and Lia and came to the conclusion that victim A’s story had enough truth to it that they would not be going forward with defamation charges on the grounds that the victim stated their story with enough accuracy and in a way that was not slanderous. Make of that what you will.

TL;DR The police interviewed both of them and determined that the victim wasn’t lying, and dropped the charges. Per the original Naver article. This pretty much confirms lia was a bully. Fan really need to stop attacking victims and spreading misinformations to defend their favs

Socmed rn is full of the Midzy brigade trying to bend the truth. Never seen anything like it, it’s literally organised fake news spread, trying to gaslight the general kpop community.

/r/kpoptea Thread