In light of recent events, it is clear the_donald is not welcome on Reddit. Therefore, we have decided…

I know that Trump supporters are being downvoted and that makes me sad to see. Really. I think there has been such a huge division on Reddit between conservative and liberal users and that is what encourages those downvotes. You know all I can say is that it sucks. But in the face of those downvotes, don't waiver. Show them that you are actually way better than allowing stereotypes and some online clash between two political affiliations to motivate your actions. Say your bit, make your argument and your perspective. For what it's worth, I have never ever downvoted a user for making a conservatively affiliated argument or why they like Trump for example. As long as you know, the comment or argument was legitimate and not just a slew of rude words and insults. I have never ever even so much as gotten into an argument with anyone because well, I don't think its worth it. I don't think that getting on the internet and arguing with people to the point where it gets so heated that we start to insult each other is worth it. We all at the end of the day, log off and have our own lives to lead. Life is fucking difficult as it is. Last thing we need is for something that is supposed to be a hobby or niche interest to also bring in stress and negativity into our lives. If I don't want that in my life, then I certainly will not be the person to cause it in someone else's. The ist terms I fucking hate. That's just an insult to free speech. And believe me if someone uses a derogatory ist term on any subreddit I moderate its getting fucking removed and I will deal with that kind of comment accordingly. You don't need to throw back that vitriol. Let's play a hypothetical real quick. Let's say that there is a post out there about jeez don't judge me for this, because this is off of the top of my head lol. But let's say there is a post somewhere on reddit about Trump making an appearance on Wrestlemania (which he did by the way and it was awesome and hilarious, and I don't even like wrestling). And let's say in that thread, some users used that information/article/news whatever it may be to insult Trump. For example they say "hue hue he is a dumb idiot he goes on wrestlemania" "a legitimate president wouldn't get involved in dumb wrestling, act-fighting crap". "He shouldn't be president because he is a joke and unprofessional and makes appearances in WWE". "The reason Trump won is because his supporters are brainlesx x,y,z ists who watch wrestling".

So maybe if you are a Trump supporter, you see this and go Hey! that's a pretty bullshit argument. You know what then? You can be better than that. Instead of responding to that with "you know what mr. trumpwrestlemania hater, you are a liberal shill and cuck x,y,z ist ist ist". Show them that you are not only apalled by their rude behaviour but are also way better than that. "I don't understand why you are using such awful insults. But I think that there is more to judge about a person than what they have done in their lives for novelty/fun" or "So Trump went on wrestlemania and had some fun. Maybe it's his hobby or a niche interest of his. Are we saying that political candidates can't have a life? I do not think it's fair to make such unprecedented assumptions about a person just because they engaged in their personal interests".

Full stop. Report shitty ist and insulting comments and I guarantee you that mods will do what needs to be done. The downvotes, now thats a whole other thing. I suspect that those will die down as time goes on. Especially once you guys show these people that you are better than that.

/r/The_Donald Thread Parent