do you like the dxm afterglow

Story time. I heard about dxm from this sub. Did pretty much 0 research. Bought 6 bottles from

Couple weeks later they come in after forgetting about them. Decided not to tell my girl and waited for her to go to work cause back then I had no idea she would be cool with my drug use.

I down 1 full bottle of liquid robo cough. I then wait 2 hours and feel literally nothing. I then chugged pretty much the whole 2nd bottle.

It all hit me right then. I ran into the bath room and stared to seize up. Once the shakes stopped I stated firing from both ends. I realized how much I fucked up. Called my girl and told her to come home. She sat with me in dex hell for like 8 hours. I made her switch music around and skip certain parts of songs that freaked me out. I made her get up and down to turn the lights on then off. My mood just kept changing and I couldn't tell what I wanted.

After about 8 or 7 hours of this I went out into the living room and then the after glow set in. And Holy fuck. It was amazing. I had no reference for it at the time but it felt just as good or even better then my first Molly roll(which I had no reference to at the time.) I was having so much fun robowalking around with mass amount of euphoria. And smoking weed was awesome on it

Thats how dxm gave me both the worst and the best trip I've ever had in the same trip.

/r/DextroDoomers Thread