Locust Rose Horror campaign

Part 2: Tuskvarna You get in the cart and begin your journey towards Tuskvarna, the trail is well known and will only take you 5 hours before arrival. You all know that as of right now you have 96 hours before you must arrive at the town of Aleworth. As you begin traveling, you notice the trees closing in on you, the long bear branches reaching out in your direction. (If someone attacks) you slash at a branch it falls on the ground with it you hear a leaves rustling on either side of the cart The wind begins to pick up carrying the leaves with it pushing the cart forward, this allows you to move faster and the horses pick up speed. The sun begins to kiss the horizon giving only an hour of light, as you enter the town of Tuskvarna As you leave the forest the area noticeably brightens with the colors of autumn you pass through the gates of Tuskvarna you can see a people as they begin to pack up their stands. People of all races fill the crowed, only thing out of sorts is a dwarf and elf fighting near a fruit stand If asked: the dwarf is yelling drunken profanities while the elf is making fun of how the dwarf is dressed in the area: fruit stands, weapon shops, food stands, small buildings line the cobblestone streets, and at the center of town is a large build with a sign written in elvish most signs are written in elvish or dwarven with speckles of signs written in common the sign in the center reads the grand hall of the elven adventurers and as you approach you can see a smaller sign in dwarven that reads and Dwarven Adventurers as you enter the building you can see it has been split into two sides one has a high end dining tables with elves seated having proper conversations and on the other side you see dwarves seated in older but sturdy furniture each with a pint of beer and a plate of meat loudly discussing past adventures they all seem to be paying little to no attention to you, except for the occasional glance as you walk up to the desk at the rear of the hall you see two hall maids a dwarf and an elf idly talking as you approach they both hop up and smile “ how may we help you” speaking in unison still smiling “oh, so she got you to come...give us one second” they both walk into a back room, and return with a chest covered in an old cloth. they lift it up to the counter top with noticeable trouble. they remove the cloth to reveal a chest made of black cast iron with a redwood trim. at the top sides and front face you notice cast iron roses, covered with a red glaze. you notice the room has gone silent and everyone is looking at you now. as you go to grab the chest the dwarf and elf grab you in unison as their smiles drop to a dead serious look “no matter what, don’t open this chest, ever” they let go and smile “have a nice day, now please leave”

/r/DnDHomebrew Thread