Lol, how are we even supposed to finish the Block Party if we're banned due to the "joining match" bug?

That really sucks.

Developer-player communication is super important for games like this. Instead of banning people, they should be open and let the players know what the progress is for issues like this, even if they haven't figured out the core issue yet. At least the players then know and don't have to wait in limbo wondering what's happening.

I've hopped on a few multiplayer games during launch, and almost all of them, especially when it comes to indie developers, go out of their way to make sure that they're interacting heavily with their players on a bunch of different sites at the beginning in order to establish a good relationship.

Whether those interactions are in regards to praise or criticism, the open nature gets more people involved and allows for a larger community to develop.

For a multiplayer game, you want an honest community, and that can't happen if people aren't allowed to express criticism or even just ask questions that make the developers uncomfortable.

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