Loneliness is a gift. If you are lonely, This video is for you.

Thank you for sharing the video. I don't think I got what the video told me right yet, but I think I got something I had to listen to.

Recently my family members got in a little trouble and had a talk, as to say my husband, “ you can't freely express and share what you think or what you take value on even with your family members, because you can't get along with them if you do it because true self are different on each of them. So you must have to be good to each other and being at surface level in the manner you get along with them. It is the way you get along with people ”.

I was kind of shocked because I felt my husband have taught our kids to being not honest and not so sharing even to our family members. I can understand how it works in relationships in general but family members ? I took it personally because I always want to share interesting stuff ( which I thought so ) and my thoughts on random stuff and he hate it.

When my husband told this was after trouble my son made to me. He sometimes change the topic onto my faults nothing have to with my son and the trouble itself he made, so I thought he used this tactic this time as well. So honestly my patience was reaching at the point very stressful that I can't handle.

I am still frustrated and furious about it while pretending nothing is in my mind. I talk about my interests a lot but am very covertly about my intensive anger. So I've been this way for a long time, so no my family members are awared of my frustration about what he said when my son made troubles and end up I am the one ultimately be scolded.

But this video feels like explaining what he was probably wanted to say. Perhaps it was just an irony to me though. Even it was, this video worth to watch imo. I don't think I will be changing my perspectives entirely but you gave an interesting insight. Thank you.

/r/loneliness Thread